
open data Archives - Page 3 of 7 - IoTAC


Getting more ‘intelligent’ about internet security

The SerIoT project, the result of which is exploited in the IoTAC project, was coordinated by the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences. SerIoT introduced self-awareness into software-defined networking (SDN) through a patented cognitive packet network (CPN) in which the packets route themselves adaptively via SDN…

Global Platform and ioXt Alliance Memorandum of Understanding

Global Platform and the ioXt Alliance have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate on aligning IoT security schemes, help harmonize standards and reduce fragmentation across the cybersecurity industry. “By simplifying security evaluation, and reusing certified components, manufacturers and vendors are provided with assurances that products will be protected and meet…

The Need for Improving Remote Access Security

Barracuda Networks published its latest report on “The state of industrial security in 2022”. 800 managers responsible for IIoT/OT participated in a global survey fielded in April 2022, from a broad range of industries, in the U.S., Europe, and Australia. 94% of the organizations surveyed experienced a security incident in…

Proceedings of the EuroCybersec 2021 Workshop

The Proceedings of the EuroCybersec 2021 Workshop have been published! This open access book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, EuroCybersec 2021, held in Nice, France, in October 2021, organized by Professor Erol Gelenbe (IITIS-PAN). The 10 selected papers focus on topics of…

IOT WEEK 2022 – IoTAC Workshop Presentations

IoTAC Workshop: 20. June 2022, 13:00 - 15:45 Workshop presentations are available! The workshop introduced the project’s concept and new approaches to IoT security including the security by design concept, the new modules and services to be developed, and the validation framework, which will assure full accountability of the overall…

IoTAC Project Newsletter No. 4

Welcome to the forth edition of the IoTAC Newsletter! If you would like to read about our progress during the months March-May 2022, read our Newsletter! Sign up for the IoTAC Newsletter! Stay in the know and receive all the latest updates straight to your inbox.
June 3, 2022