The Concept

The IoTAC – Security By Design IoT Development and Certificate Framework with Front-end Access Control – project aims to deliver a secure and privacy-friendly IoT architecture that will facilitate the development of more resilient IoT service environments. Our system, comprising of a secure gateway, runtime security applications and cloud-based service platforms, will provide comprehensive protection for service environments of various industry domains. The technology will not only protect new deployments but can also enhance the security level of legacy operations.

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USPs outline

What is this solution offering that’s different?
Advanced security

The IoTAC architecture comprises high security level components and solutions like the use of chip cards, PKI encryption, root of trust, secure booting, audit logs and many more. Security is assured all through the design, implementation and operation phases.

Modular architecture

The IoTAC architecture comprises multiple hardware and software components which will allow flexible configuration options to support diverse service environments of various security levels. Underlying core features will be supported with optional add-ons.

Multi-layer approach

Security countermeasures will be implemented both at hardware- and at software-level, comprising a secure gateway, front-end access control, honeypots, checkpointing, AI&ML algorithms and a runtime monitoring system.

The IoTAC framework

The IoTAC framework comprises the Security Baseline as the foundation, the IoTAC Software Security by Design (SSD) principles and the Security Assurance Model (SAM) platform, which will unite in a formal Certification procedure exposed as a service.

Use Cases

Proof of domain independence 


use case

Smart home

Industrial /


use case

Prosumer cell


use case

Drone operation



use case

Automated car

Latest news

Mix of research updates, blog content and white papers

Kuaban G, Gelenbe E, Czachórski T, Czekalski P. 2023. Modelling the Energy Performance of Off-Grid Sustainable Green Cellular Base Stations. MASCOTS 2023.

Conference: 31st International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2023) 16-18. October 2023 Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA Authors: Kuaban G, Gelenbe E, Czachórski T, Czekalski P. Abstract: There is a growing awareness of the need to reduce carbon emissions from the…

Deliverable D7.4 Summative Evaluation and Lessons Learnt

Deliverable 7.4 describes the challenges, gains, and learnings: (1) on the security modules side, during development and integration; and, (2) on the pilot sites, during deployment, testing, and assessment of the validation results. Please note that the European Commission has not approved yet this deliverable. The contents of the deliverable…

IoTAC Project Newsletter No. 9

This is the last newsletter of the IoTAC project covering the period between June and August 2023. The project has been successfully completed and reached its goals by validating the secure IoTAC platform in 4 different service environments. Sign up for the IoTAC Newsletter! Stay in the know and receive…


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