

Deliverable D3.3 Vulnerability Prediction Models

D3.3 presents the mechanisms for predicting vulnerable software components. The deliverable provides a comprehensive literature review of state-of-the-art approaches in the field of Vulnerability Prediction and identifies the main open issues. It documents the design and development of Vulnerability Prediction Models, along with detailed evaluation results. In particular, initially, we…
January 10, 2022

Deliverable D3.2 Software Security Assessment Indicators and Models

D3.2 presents the mechanisms that allow the monitoring and optimization of the security level of software applications during the coding and testing phases of the software development lifecycle. In particular, two individual mechanisms, the Security Evaluation Framework (SEF) and the Security Alerts Assessor (SAA) are described. SEF is a mechanism…
January 10, 2022

Deliverable D6.2 Definition of the Development Integration Environment and KPIs

D6.2 presents the IoTAC Platform Software Development and Integration Environment, Tools and Infrastructure setup. In addition, it presents the established Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery workflows, explaining how the stack of tools employed are used to successfully integrate, test and release the software of the IoTAC Platform, allowing for extensive development teams collaboration,…
September 1, 2021