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Ilias Kalouptsoglou, Miltiadis Siavvas, Dionysios Kehagias, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas and Alexandros Chatzigeorgiou, Apostolos Ampatzoglou, University of Macedonia


Kalouptsoglou I, Siavvas M, Ampatzoglou A, Kehagias D, Chatzigeorgiou A, 2023. Software vulnerability prediction: A systematic mapping study. Information and Software Technology, Vol. 164, 2023.

Journal: Information and Software Technology, Vol. 164, 2023. Authors: Kalouptsoglou I, Siavvas M, Ampatzoglou A, Kehagias D, Chatzigeorgiou A. Abstract: Context: Software security is considered a major aspect of software quality as the number of discovered vulnerabilities in software products is growing. Vulnerability prediction is a mechanism that helps engineers…

Kalouptsoglou I, Siavvas M, Kehagias D, Chatzigeorgiou A, Ampatzoglou A. 2022. Examining the Capacity of Text Mining and Software Metrics in Vulnerability Prediction. Entropy. 2022, 24, 651.

Journal: Entropy 2022, 24, 651. Authors: Kalouptsoglou I, Siavvas M, Kehagias D, Chatzigeorgiou A, Ampatzoglou A. Abstract: Software security is a very important aspect for software development organizations who wish to provide high-quality and dependable software to their consumers. A crucial part of software security is the early detection of…

Kalouptsoglou I, Siavvas M, Kehagias D, Chatzigeorgiou A, Ampatzoglou A. 2021. An Empirical Evaluation of the Usefulness of Word Embedding Techniques in Deep Learning-based Vulnerability Prediction. EuroCybersec2021.

Conference: EuroCybersec2021 Workshop Authors: Kalouptsoglou I, Siavvas M, Kehagias D, Chatzigeorgiou A, Ampatzoglou A. Abstract: Software security is a critical consideration for software development companies that want to provide their customers with high quality and dependable software. The automated detection of software vulnerabilities is a critical aspect in software security.…