Deliverable D2.3 – Architecture Design Document

By March 9, 2022Deliverables

D2.3 reports on the work that has been done to extend the ISO/IEC 30141 Reference Architecture (RA) and presents the resulting IoTAC Reference Model (RM). In addition, the system architecture methodology for IoTAC is outlined, followed by models for logical and system run-time & deployment viewpoints. In this deliverable, we aim to reach the first level of consensus regarding the main IoTAC run-time and design-time modules, as well as the identified functionalities. A system architecture document is expected to be updated regularly, based on specific implementation decisions and elaborations of the architecture of each module as necessary. The final version of this deliverable, which is due by M28, according to GA, will reflect all updates and additions that will be made as part of Task 2.3.

Please note that the European Commission has not approved yet this deliverable.

The contents of the deliverable reflect only the project Consortium’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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