Deliverable D7.1 Demonstration use-case specifications and KPIs

By March 9, 2022Deliverables

D7.1 introduces the four pilot operations – Smart Home, Connected Car, Prosumer Cell and Drone Operations – of the IoTAC project, their goals, implementations and measurable results.

All the pilots will be executed in two cycles with increasing complexity and a major evolution from Cycle1 to Cycle2 a few months later. This deliverable describes the environments of the operations, introduces the involved actors and their roles, the devices used, the necessary resources and the learning curve of both cycles. Furthermore, it recalls the security requirements and explains how the IoTAC modules will assure the necessary protection, what results are to be achieved and how they will be measured based on the associated KPIs. Technical details of the planned operations are also explained in terms of logical and physical architecture designs, including the place for the IoTAC modules in each pilot.

Please note that the European Commission has not approved yet this deliverable.

The contents of the deliverable reflect only the project Consortium’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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