IoT Security Certification @ ETSI Security Week 2021

By June 18, 2021News

The second day of the ETSI annual event, ETSI Security Week 2021 (, was dedicated to cybersecurity standards and certification, with a special focus on IoT security.

In the introductory presentation, Mr. Andreas Mitrakas, Head of Unit “Market Certification & Standardization” at the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), gave a summary about the roadmap of the ENISA certification schemes and their relevance for IoT security, looking into the Cybersecurity Act, the candidate EU Common Criteria certification scheme, the draft candidate EU cloud services certification scheme, and other relevant existing certification schemes.

Other presentations by the European Commission, ISO, and multiple industry representatives were describing multiple aspects of IoT certification, including the EU IoT cybersecurity certification framework, the EU standard of connected device security, as well as the cybersecurity evaluation methodology and security labeling for ICT products.

This event provided important input for IoTAC as it gave us orientation in respect of our future standardization-related activities, how we can best align our work with broader EU initiatives.

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