Professor Erol Gelenbe awarded the title of Fellow of AAIA in 2022

By February 20, 2023News

We are very happy to announce that Professor Erol Gelenbe, a research and principal investigator in the IoTAC project, and professor in the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, was awarded the title of Fellow of AAIA in 2022.

The Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) is a scientific association gathering some 400 researchers from all around the world, who are recognized and distinguished experts in computer science, notably in artificial intelligence. The holders of the Fellow of AAIA award include scientists from Stanford University, Princeton University, MIT, California Institute of Technology, Cornell University, Columbia University, University of Oxford and Imperial College London, to name just a few.

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Congratulations to Professor Gelenbe! 

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