Workshop on Cybersecurity Standardization and Supply Chain Security

By June 12, 2023June 13th, 2023News

The CYRENE project organizes a virtual workshop, focusing on Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Security Standardization, on the 16th of June 2023, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (CET).

The workshop will feature SDOs – ISO, ENISA, NIST, CEN CENELEC, and ETSI – and seven H2020 cybersecurity and supply chain security projects – CYRENE, BIECO, MEDINA, SIFIS HOME, SANCUS, ASSURED, and IoTAC.

The IoTAC results in standardization and certification to strengthen the security of the IoT will be presented by our colleagues Marija Jankovic from our partner CERTH, and Sascha Hackel, from our partner Fraunhofer FOKUS.

You can find the agenda and register at!

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