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Press Release No. 3

The H2020 IoTAC project reached a major milestone: The specification of the IoTAC Reference Architecture has been completed The consortium of industrial actors, research groups and academia from seven European countries focuses on improving the resilience of IoT service environments.   28 February 2021 – The Security by Design IoT…
February 28, 2022

Congratulations to Professor Erol Gelenbe for being appointed on the Advanced Grant Panel of the European Research Council (ERC)!

Our highly esteemed colleague, Professor Erol Gelenbe, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, has been appointed Evaluator/Panellist member of the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant 2022 panel on Computer Science and Informatics (PE6). ERC grant panels are composed of eminent scientists who take responsibility for…